Elim Community School

The Children of Elim Community School

He is a double orphan. He is the only child of his late parents.  Lives with grandmother who sells charcoal. Have only a meal per day if grandmother manages to have any sells on the charcoal, or they go to sleep on empty stomachs. Some days, they go for 2 days without a single meal. He told us that for example, he had not eaten since a day ago.

— Peter Banda

He is a double orphan. Lost both parents in 2010. Currently lives with his poor old grandmother. Eats only a meal per day if possible. Has no sponsor. No clothes.  No beddings. Sleeps on the floor with only one blanket. Mponda was weeping throughout the time of interview.

— Mponda Nkata

Has never seen his father who died when he was a baby. His mother died last year. He lives with old grandparents. Too old to do anything. He still grieves the death of his parents.

— Martin Chiluka

A double orphan. Has never seen her father who died while she was a baby. Her mother died when she was 10. She lives with old grandmother. Her grandmother lost all her children to AIDS including her father and mother. Only have a meal per day, if possible. Some days go to sleep without any meal. Only have 2 blankets which she shares with her young sister and grandmother.

— Precious Bwalya

When this boy heard that he was to see us for interview, he was overcome by grief and started crying before his friends. He is a single orphan, lost his father in 2012. His poor mother has 8 children that she struggles to feed. Most days they go to bed without any food. Has no bedding. Sleeps on bare floor. When coming to school, he borrows shoes.

— Golden Mambwe